How Do Soccer Players Know How Much Time is Left?

Soccer stadium

If you are viewing a soccer match from home, you’ll most probably be able to tell how much time left until the game ends by just looking somewhere on the screen. Almost all of the TV channels that broadcast soccer matches will display the game’s clock as well as the game’s score. But what about … Read more

How Do Soccer Players Play in the Cold? (A deep dive)

Soccer net in the snow

If you don’t know already, the soccer season in most of the soccer leagues around the world is around 8 to 9 months long. This means that there will definitely come a time when soccer players will have to deal with cold weather conditions in countries that have cold seasons every year. With that in … Read more

Why Do Male Soccer Players Wear Bras?

Male soccer players

As a new soccer fan, there will definitely come a day when you see a soccer player wearing a bra on their chest area and just wonder why a soccer player would want to wear a sports bra. To clear out any confusion throughout the rest of the article, what you see soccer players wearing … Read more

How Do Loans Work in Soccer? (Everything you Need to Know)

soccer players

Transfers in soccer are an essential part of most of the soccer leagues around the world. Usually, there are only a few soccer players that play for only one soccer team throughout their whole professional career. In other words, soccer players move between soccer clubs all the time. These moves are either permanent using a … Read more

What Does FC Mean in Soccer?

Bayern Munich Soccer Club

If you have been following some soccer leagues for a while, you might have noticed that many soccer teams have the prefix or suffix “FC” in their name. Other clubs also have different prefixes of suffixes like SC, AC and so on. But what do these prefixes and suffixes exactly mean? In soccer, FC simply … Read more

The Most Underrated Position in Soccer

Soccer players fighting for the ball

While it’s true that all soccer positions are important, there are some positions that are much more appreciated by the fans than other positions. For example, soccer fans will definitely enjoy watching the forward players score goals more than they would enjoy a defender standing in the right place at the right time trying to … Read more

What Does a Midfielder Do in Soccer?

soccer midfield player

If you have been following soccer for a while, you may have heard or read the saying that goes as follows: “Whoever controls the Midfield controls the game” In other words, if a team’s midfield players are skilled enough and have great chemistry among each other, then they’ll be able to dominate the pace of … Read more

What Does a Defender Do in Soccer?

Soccer defense player

A good defense in a soccer team is essential if the team is hoping to compete for big soccer titles. A famous quote by Sir Alex Ferguson goes as follows: “Attack wins you games, defense wins you titles” –  Alex Ferguson. In other words, good defense is the key to the success of any soccer … Read more